Join the Jeub Tribe ‘25

You’re invited to join a special group of people who want a piece of the personal land development action: Jeub Tribe ‘25. Additional registration is necessary (sign up here). Here are details of the Tribe meetings:

  • Jeub Tribe ‘25 will meet every Thursday night on Google Meet at 7:00 PM Mountain Time.

  • Registrants will be sent a link every morning of the Google Meet with agenda and necessary hyperlinks.

  • Attendance is not necessary, but live attendees will be given opportunities to participate in the group and connect with other land development enthusiasts.

  • Parts of the Tribe sessions may be exported for other platforms (i.e. YouTube, Facebook, etc.).

  • For as long as my resources allow, Jeub Tribe ‘25 is FREE.

I personally look forward to this every week. I love to get together with likeminded individuals who are on the same land-development journey as me…I can’t ask for a better “tribe”. I hope this fits your schedule and ambitions, and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

Disclaimer: Jeub Tribe ‘25 and its organizers are not liable for any actions taken based on the advice or information provided during the meetings. Participants should use their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.